Saturday, October 31, 2009

We Made It Here without any Issues

In fact we arrived 1 hour early! Just wanted to let you all know. Someone else will make a longer post later today (Sunday).

Thanks (for all of us)


Friday, October 30, 2009

Here we go -- (assuming we meet in Tokyo! ;-)

I'm about to board the 777 here @ JFK for a 14.5 hour non-stop flight to Tokyo. The plan is to meet Dave and Nellie Paray, Tom Ferch and Lori Olsson at Narita Airport and then we will all continue on to Manila together.

Not sure what to expect this trip -- even as I write this, another typhoon is bearing down on Luzon, so assuming we aren't delayed getting in there, we may encounter even more devastation when we arrive. A recent statistic I read is the 1.3 million are still living in flooded out areas, and over 300,000 are staying in evacuation camps. Disease is becoming widespread from Leptospirosis -- a bacteria that is in the flooded water and for someone with an unprotected open wound or cut in their foot it can be quite dangerous. I thank God for vaccinations, Malaria medication, Mosquito Repellent and Rubber boots.

My goal for the next 14+ hours is to eat a meal as soon as I can and then sleep as much as possible for the first 8 hours of the flight....waking up then for the last 5-6 hours into Tokyo and staying awake for the flight to Manila -- theoretically, that will get me closer in synch with Manila time. If we arrive as scheduled around 10:30PM, we should be able to get to bed sometime between 12:30AM and 1AM Manila time.

Please pray for our safe travel - and that whatever hurdles we encounter, God will either remove them or provide a way over, under, around or through them for His glory and to accomplish His will.

Bless you all for your prayers and support!

Kevin Mattson