Thursday, November 4th
I know it has been several days since we blogged, we did not have access to the internet and so it goes in Manila one never knows.
Here are some of our highlights from the last 3 days. Our day always starts with reflection and prayer, breakfast, recapping and planning out the fine details for the day.
Tuesday the Women went to the beach with Josie Longs here girls 23 of them call themselves Josie’s Angels. Josie also has her team of about 6 Ladies that work in the beauty salon they and their family came with us as well. The ride to the beach was about 4 hour one way, we left the house at 4 AM. All in all there were about 70 some people that went; Josie had rented a bus to take them all. We rode in the car with Josie and riding along in traffic in Manila or anywhere else is always interesting. It was amazing to us to see the reaction of the family’s and the kids to see the ocean for the first time. Josie is an amazing young Woman of 23.
The Men had a good day fellowshipping with other men and setting up VBS for the next day.
Yesterday Wednesday was spend going to Tent city with food and medicine, had a VBS for about 120 kids, spent time with the children from the Children’s home and the big kids as well.
All in all we from the team have had an amazing time and are said to have it come to a end.