Friday, October 29, 2010

Manila - October 29

Alive and well, well almost.  We have had two sick people for two days but thankfully, God has brought them back to the better side of OK.

What is going on here?  Well, the men have just had a time of worship with the workers of the children's.  These were all men and they asked questions such as how can I pray when I have no food for my family.   Can you imagine what an starter question that was.

The women are having a bible study with some of the of the community as this is being typed.  This was the first they have been able to meet with the women and we are anxious to find out how it went.

We can here thinking we wanted to start programs like this but found out the real servants of God here had already started so we plugged ourselves into their program and helped.  At times, we were the leaders and struggled some with the language but all went well.

We have been involved with the feeding of the victims of last years typhoon.  Some are homeless and some have no jobs.  this morning, we went to a tent city that was set up in an area where no one will see them.  The people were glad to see us and some were moving to government housing set up next to the tents.  These are one room houses with dirt floors and limited amenities.  No bathrooms, no electricity, no water and dirt floors, yet the people are happy they have a place to live.

With each feeding trip, a nurse comes to along to treat the sick and hurting.  Today, some of the people asked if we could help a little boy who was dehydrated and under nourished.  We had the nurse look at him as we are not medical people.  Her evaluation was the was suffering from parasites, most likely tape worms.  We were not equipped to handle that but will follow up with our next visit.  Stories like this are everywhere.

With every opportunity to serve God here, I am amazed at how much we and the donated help from our church is remembered.  People of the community seem never to forget us and the children especially remember.  They ask about Lolo(grandpa) Mack, Tita(aunt)Cindy, Ate(sister) Brooke and Ate Megan.  A hug and a smile means so to them.  The gifts of the heart are some of the most precious.

Last night, was a first for us.  The men spent and evening meal in the homes of men of the community.  The men are Philippine workers of Kids International Ministries.  They have very limited income and in most cases, could not afford to feed another mouth.  Soooooo we came up with an idea.  We meet the men and take them to a local fast food place.  We allow them to order what ever they would like for their families.  We then take the food to their homes and spend the meal with them.  So far, Jollie Bee is the favorite place.  This is a glorified McDonalds with chicken and spaghetti on their menu.  We may never want to see another hamburger joint again as we have another five nights of this ahead.  It is such a blessing to spend this time with them and their families.  They wish to show you their families and their homes.  The custom here to to always feed a visitor.  We would feel very uncomfortable to let them do this when they have so little and we are so honored they allow us to provide.

Please keep us in your prayers.  We see so much need and would like to fix it all.  Also pray for the spiritual needs of the people.  We see God working in parts of the community but there is much spiritual work to be done.  Pray that God opens more hearts to His word and that those already saved can impact the others of the community.

That's all for now.  We are getting ready to go feed some more.

God Bless us all,


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