Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, Oct.22, 2012

Monday, Oct.22

Well, we made it. It seems the hardest part of the trip, so far, is getting the blog sight to work.  After analysis, and the help of Joel Johnson, we are up and running. My prayer is we can keep it going.

The trip was fine but< just like as always, long.  We arrived at 10:30 PM on Friday, that is, 11:30 AM your time the day before.  We were welcomed by Jeff Long and His Wife Colene.  It is nice to see a friendly face and not have to worry how we will survive.

Saturday we renewed old friendships and met new people.  As life goes, we have lost friends to this world but can rejoice in knowing we will see them again in heaven.  We found that more people remember us than we thought.  We pray that we can influence them for Jesus.  What a blessing to already have that connection.  We met with the pastors of the two churches and arranged a schedule to show the children and adults of the area the Jesus film and the children's version. We went shopping for snacks and fruit to hand out at the showings.

Sunday arrived and it was off to church.  We went to the services at both services and praised the Lord with old and new friends.  The people were thankful for our attendance and were looking forward to more interaction.  After a quick breakfast, we prepared for the children showing.  Like a boy scout, we had to be prepared. We were ready to show the film and the computer projector did not work.  A quick run back to our place and a new laptop was ready.  Of course, I did not know how to set it up.  Again God was faithful and provided the pastors son who is a techy and fixed to up.  We had 130 children watching the movie and like children, all was chaos.  It was surprising to see that at scourging and crucifixion, all the children were quiet and focused on the story.   Later, we showed the adult version to about 100 people and after both showing provided a small snack of fruit and cookies.  As we walked back to ' home'  all we wanted was sleep.

Now, today is Monday and we are getting ready for another busy day.  Please pray for the people of the Philippines and their need, both in this world and their salvation for the next.

For the team, God Bless

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