Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thr, Nov 1, 2012

This is our last day to make a more impact for the Lord. Not all is in bible study and showing the Jesus film. We wanted to give all the construction workers and home workers along with the children and Josie’s Angels a pat on the back and encouragement. It is their hard work and dedication that allows the children to grow up in a Christian atmosphere.

We had a dinner at the children’s home for all. In the morning, we learned how to cook some Filipino food. We were able to thank all our Filipino friends for all they do for us and the care for the children they provide, with Jesus as the reason.

After dinner, we started to say our goodbyes to the very special people that make our efforts easier. Special hugs and prayers were shared for the grace of God to give them strength and loving hearts to keep on giving. We prayed for our safe travel back home and the hope we can communicate all that we experienced to our church family.

It was time to pack and get a few hours sleep before a four o’clock alarm. God gave us so many opportunities to serve His Kingdom.

See you at home,

Wed, Oct 31, 2012

Yesterday, we prepared eighty bags of food consisting of rice, sardines and noodles, a staple of the Philippines. Today we brought these bags to the local birthing class where pregnant women of the community come for a bible study, health exam and help in the care of themselves and their new born. An important part of that is good food.

As we returned home, we were met by Rene, a former Children’s Home member. He had the opportunity to go back with family and took it. The outcome was not the ending he was looking for and he wished he was back at the home. Unfortunately, all legal papers were finalized and could not be changed. We pray that Rene will continue with school and keep Jesus in his heart.

We went to say good bye to Laling, a house keeper from previous years who is now semi-home bound. She cried to see we remembered her and prayed that we will return again. We then took a short trip to see the proposed new Josie’s Angels Home. It is large, secure and ideas to allow the girls to find themselves after a life of verbal, physical and sexual abuse.

The ladies of the J Salon were given some business by Brigitte and Nell. The few dollars they earned for a massage and hair styling meant that they now had money to buy food for their families.

While they did that, I went to see Errol again. He thanked me for the prior visit and the encouragement to turn to God for answers for his heart. I gave him my daily devotional book feel confident to call him a friend in Jesus.

We visited a elderly lady’s home to be shown that many do not have electricity or money to pay for it. This particular home was so dark in the middle of the day that you could see very little. We were told about it and started experimenting with different ideas. We were told about one solution that was just perfect for the need. We took liter plastic bottles, filled them water and bleach and put them through a hole in the roof. With sunlight outside, these bottles looked like light bulbs. Now others in the community want them. What a way to teach people about the love of Jesus.

In the afternoon, Carylyn provided an ice cream party for the children’s home and they loved it. That is something they rarely get.

After supper, we went to Faith Academy to watch a volleyball tournament. It was a night before a holiday and this tournament was made up of makeup teams so the quality of play was not quite Olympic quality but all had fun.

It was a busy day but very rewarding. We touched many people and showed them the love of Jesus.


Tue, Oct 30, 2012

Time has gone by so fast and we are on our last leg of the mission trip. We started out on Tuesday by going to the Feeding at the canal in Mayalot. Well, I now know why it flooded, the homes were right on a canal even though the canal was about 10 to 12 feet deep if went over the wall. As we were walking the neighborhood we saw that the low land on the other side was still flooded and came up right under the homes. We drive through the area and call out feeding’s feeding’s and all the little kids and older women running out with their cup, saucer or plastic container and get fed. It is also a sight to see.

We packed up 80 bags of Sardines, Lucky Me (there a noodle) and 2 cups of rice for the women in the Birthing class. They come 4 times a week depending on their trimester. They come to a bible study and a medical checkup.

In the afternoon we went to a basketball game to cheer on Kirk one of the Long boys. This seems to be one of the things that we do here is support the Long team by going.

Than in the evening we went to Emily Miles and her ministry. You might remember Emily as she was in MN about 3 years ago. We had shown the Jesus film there the week before but, we only showed the kids version. So they had asked if we would come back and show them the adult version. Well, how can you say no, we also gave out snacks and juice after the 2 hour movie. Not only did we have kids, jung adults but we also had some of the mom’s there.

All in all it was a great day with lots of Blessings to all especially us.

The Team

Mon, Oct 29, 2012

We are sorry for the delay in getting this to you but there is a group of 36 World Racers staying and they are overloading the internet server and you have to wait until all are asleep to get a connection.

Today we went to Tent City to feed and say good bye to those we have seen and those we already know. One good bye was to our special friend Joy. She is lovely little girl we met in 2010 when she was pregnant and living with mom. She now has a beautiful daughter and has enrolled in her second year of college. She has been our friend and helper whenever we go to tent city.

The unfortunate part of this visit was seeing the epidemic of scabies that has started. The only way to eliminate the problem is to get medication, clean and disinfect the house and keep everything clean. There is no formal agency that will do this so the hundreds of people living there seem doomed.

The afternoon was spent relaxing doing little things; Some shopping with the help, some book work to keep the accounting of the ministry straight and some video work. We also visit more of the local people just to let them know we remember them and their friendship.

After supper we headed to Josie’s Angels home to spend time with the girls. For a fun night we made banana splits. That is a treat these girls. We let them come to us instead of trying to force ourselves on them. Many of these girls have been abused so we treaded lightly.