Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thr, Nov 1, 2012

This is our last day to make a more impact for the Lord. Not all is in bible study and showing the Jesus film. We wanted to give all the construction workers and home workers along with the children and Josie’s Angels a pat on the back and encouragement. It is their hard work and dedication that allows the children to grow up in a Christian atmosphere.

We had a dinner at the children’s home for all. In the morning, we learned how to cook some Filipino food. We were able to thank all our Filipino friends for all they do for us and the care for the children they provide, with Jesus as the reason.

After dinner, we started to say our goodbyes to the very special people that make our efforts easier. Special hugs and prayers were shared for the grace of God to give them strength and loving hearts to keep on giving. We prayed for our safe travel back home and the hope we can communicate all that we experienced to our church family.

It was time to pack and get a few hours sleep before a four o’clock alarm. God gave us so many opportunities to serve His Kingdom.

See you at home,

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