Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 4 - October 15, 2008

Our time today was devoted to several activities at the Children's Home. Mack and Dave worked on sanding a rusty gated storage area, and priming it in preparation for painting on Thursday. Kevin was on scaffolding doing painting up under the eaves. Cindy and Brigitte helped direct some new vegetable plantings. Annette, Carylyn and Brooke did a combination of interior painting prep (scraping walls) and then spent time with the children.

In the afternoon, the girls of the Children's home were given dresses made by Annette's mom (Ruth Jaeger) and after they had time getting hair done, etc. they had a promenade to show off their new dresses and then had a "ladies tea".

After supper we had devotions with the kids and shared a video of North Haven Sunday School kids greeting the kids of the home by name -- they really got a kick out of that and are looking forward to making a video to return greetings back to the NHC kids.

Something you can be praying for - we learned last night that 2 of the children who have been there for a long time (Diana and Jeric) may be asked to return to some extended family in a very unstable environment that would expose them to potential violence, crime and lack of a godly influence. The home is working very hard to make that not happen, please pray that the Lord sways the Department of Social Welfare to not go forward with moving Diana and Jeric.

A good day -- busy and tiring, but the joy seen on the faces of the kids throughout the day was a constant encouragement.

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