Friday, October 17, 2008


Mack-Another busy and eventful day. We started the work day painting the old dining room and after nearly completing the first color coat we learned that the decision had been made to do a lighter color so two more coats would be needed. After lunch, Dave, Kevin and Mack joined Jeff on a sojourn to the Lola center a few miles away. The center is a new ministry of Kids International. They have built a three story center which serves the people of the surrounding area as the Cuatro and Arthur centers do. We loaded a Jeep wagon with all kinds of food stuffs, drove through the hustle of the area traffic and carried the food stuffs up the stairs. Bags of rice, pasta, protein meat substitute and other needed supplies. Meanwhile, "back at the ranch" the ladies were working on other projects.

When we returned Jeff and Rollie took us on a tour of the water stations in Cuatro which resulted from our efforts after our last trip. Many of you had a part in this project and I wish you could see the impact on the lives of the people.

At four in the afternoon we put on a VBS for the neighborhood kids. Seventy lively kids ranging from toddlers to teens. A real challenge to keep them organized, learning and having fun. Mission accomplished.

We had received a gracious invitation to dinner from Steve and Rhonda Schwarze, Rachel's parents and Rhonda is Mary Ann's sister. Mary Ann was missed and they felt badly that on our last trip they were on furlough so they missed Mary Ann and Megan when the were here. We had a wonderful dinner and returned to our residence full, tired and ready for a good night's sleep, interrupted only by the "night sounds" of dogs barking, roosters crowing, people shouting and laughing, motor cycles roaring, bad karaoke and so on.

Brooke enjoyed visiting Faith Academy and will be contacting her school to arrange credit transfer. She's also working on a job for her dad at school.

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