Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feeding His Starving Children in the Philippines

Today is Tuesday and we had the most amazing day.

After breakfast, some of us went to the TayTay market to purchase some snacks to give away for after the bible study that we had planned with the kids at the Arthur center. The Arthur center was one of the first projects that we helped build the first time we came to the Philippines in 2006. Today we had about 110 kids that came to listen to the bible story and play games. As always the water balloons were the most favorite of all.

Before we started the event, Pastor Better took us for a walk to gather up the kids and the kids started to follow us to the street where the chairs had been set up for the bible study. From there we rushed back to the house to pick up food that had been prepared. The food came from MN from an organization called Feed My Starving Children.

This experience was the most amazing thing, we took the food to a location that the team went to last year when the typhoon hit Manila. The children came with their cups, bowls, glasses or whatever they could find to get some food. This is an area that you can’t even imagine. The group that went last year shared with us that all that we were walking through was under water last year.

Please pray that we will have enough food to do it again tomorrow.

Brigitte for all of us


Tin Tức Bóng Đá - Tỷ Lệ Kèo hôm nay said...

Hi Brigitte
We will be praying for you, the team, and the children this week.
God bless the food and mission and use it for His glory!! BR

Jillian said...

Nice picture mom! :)